Posted 13 Sat

Using the Eva pallet wrapper in manual modes

Using the Eva pallet wrapper in manual modes

So while the Eva pallet wrapper is a semi auto pallet wrapper capable of wrapping up your pallet with automatic height detection, sometimes you want a little more control of the wrapping cycle. 

Now if this guide looks confusing on how its done, don't stress when we deliver and install your Eva with our technician we will train you on its operation. This guide is more to show you what the Eva is capable of. 

We Also now have video guides too, because reading these instructions is probably as mind numbing as typing them. 

So here's 2 way you can adjust how much wrap is applied on the Eva manually.

Banding and semi manual modes.
the Eva pallet wrapper can be used in the normal semi auto mode and when the carriage is ascending or descending it can be paused manually at its current Height. To do this you simply press the down arrow if the carriage is going up, or the up arrow if the carriage is going down. 

When in semi auto mode, and the carriage has detected the top of the pallet and stopped ascending you can also override this manually by press the up arrow. This maybe good if your pallets aren't uniform, you have goods on top or are doing something a little squishy like bulk bags. 

We show the semi manual mode in this video. 

Manual mode
The Eva pallet wrapper from Atlanta stretch can be switched to full manual mode. When in manual mode, the start button only spins the turntable, when the height of the carriage is controlled manually by the up and down buttons. 

In-depth explanation of manual modes on the Eva pallet wrapper.
Bellow is a image of the Eva panel. 
Each button below is referenced with a number we will use then numbers to show you how to use the manual modes. 

Banding and semi manual modes.

  1. Press the start button "A" to begin the cycle
  2. After the machine has done its pre-set bottom wraps the carriage will begin traveling upwards
  3. At any stage while the carriage is traveling upwards, press the "B" button and hold it. 
  4. This will hold the carriage in the current position until you let it go. 

Manual mode

Your Eva pallet wrapper has 3 modes of operation. these modes of operation are found in Function one. To select wrapping modes, change the "F" LCD panel to read 01 by pressing the + or - buttons underneath the F. 

  1. FUL / 1 - Full cycle mode, wraps all the way up, sending the height of the pallet then all the way down
  2. HAF / 2 - Half cycle mode, wraps up or wraps down depending on where the carriage is at the time of starting and height of goods. 
  3. MAN / 3 - Manual mode

Now with the F value reading 1, change the "V" value to read "3 / MAn" 

  1. Press the A button to start the cycle
  2. Then press the B and G button to control the carriage manually. 
  3. Once you have finished wrapping how you want, press the "H" button. doing this will send the turntable to its home position so the pallet lines up with how you put it on(if you put the pallet on while the machine is in its home position.  

We have made a video below explaining this process 

Again don't be overwhelmed by reading our guides, you might not use these features, and our technicians will explain how to use these features when delivering and installing the Eva pallet wrapper.